Interlibrary Loan
Click the Info Ontario Logo to go directly to the self serve interlibrary loan system.
How can I sign up?
You will need a valid Library card and an Interlibrary Loan patron record created in the INFO system by our staff.
To register, provide your full name, address, home phone number and library card number in an email with the subject
“Self serve loans.” Send email to to get started.
Requesting an Interlibrary Loan
If it is determined that WPL, or one of our LiNC partner libraries, does not have the item you’re looking for,
you can request an Interlibrary Loan.
Getting Started: Instructions
1. Go to the link on our library website.
2. Select Sign in and enter the User ID and password provided by Library staff.
3. Choose Welland Public Library as your library location from the Authentication Service menu.
4. Select Standard or Advanced search.
5. Note the Current Profile drop down menu – you will use these search profiles to do your searching.
6. Select SOLS – Niagara Peninsula (shared) as your initial search profile.
7. Enter keywords from the title and/or author. No matches from the first profile? Select a different profile.
8. Select Details to verify that this is the item you want.
9. Select Get it! to place your request. Item details are automatically entered in the interlibrary loan form.
10. Complete the form by selecting your preferred Pickup location from the drop down menu at the bottom of the form.
11. Click Submit to send your request.
12. There is no need to print the request. You can view your requests at any time using the My Requests link.
13. Sign out when you are finished.